Honoring thousands of the oppressed Imam Musa Kazim trendy blogger

Honoring thousands of the oppressed Imam Musa Kazim

 trendy blogger

TFD report

Agam Cote: The road to salvation only lies in the love of the family of the Prophet (Saoo). Just as a person is not allowed without legal compensation, no good work is accepted without the love of the relatives of the Prophet, as is the matter in the Qur’an. The famous researcher shared these deep ideas, God’s knowledge of Ahmed Bilgrami, while he was addressing the gathering mourning in the holy shrine of Sinds in the Agam Kut. The session, which was held on Sunday to celebrate the auspices of Imam Musa Kazim (AS), continued from the morning until late at night.
He explained that the relatives mentioned in the Qur’an, who have requested instructions to love, include Imam Musa Kazim (AS), the seventh leader in the Imam series. Today, thousands gathered in the mausoleum of his oppressed and liberated daughter to offer my condolences to the martyrdom of this noble imam, and thus fulfill the commitment to gratitude to the Prophet’s message.
Pellarma titles, Harvaren in Thomaster Pretid, by Sayed Shah Risvie, the statement. Javid Manzar, thin.
Below Haddad Al -Haddad, but it is the marks (authoritarian coffin) or Omad Brugids yesterday. Various from the organizers, which indicates Hazrat Abu Talib (Aso Khanani, Qilda-Hosni Agman Savina Hosani from Speyan, words of Magira IGO IGO-Emperor-Erisees. Cantral, Levesing properties on the headphone.
MATUM Ajumad Majest-E-AALD’s from QAEM (Saaw) Badin, Leave the will of Zard Alikal Jerab, AkBand Akarin, Alib Ali akbaba, rahib ali khawasja, practiced Fortu-Behat-.
The session was concluded with an emotional prayer led by the famous researcher, Azza on QMMI.
During the program, the services of the medical camp and ambulance were arranged by Dho Badin Anjum Soomro, while security arrangements were efficiently managed by the Husseinian scouts under the leadership of Hassan Ali Laghari. He supervised the implementation of the smooth program by Qazi Reese Haider.
Special recognition goes to a high camp from Darga Masoma-I Sanad, Nias Hussein Legari, and his family, who have made prominent arrangements for thousands of mourners from all over the bond, including Karachi, who participated in this Central Al-Hour program. The event continued successfully from morning until late at night.

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