Anthony Makki explains the comment of Captain America: I am proud of an American trendy blogger

Anthony Makki explains the comment of Captain America: I am proud of an American

 trendy blogger

Anthony Makki moved to Instagram on Tuesday to clarify his viral comment about what Captain America.

Maki wrote in his Instagram story: “Let me be clear in this matter, because I am a proud American and take the shield of the hero like (Captain America) is the honor of age,” Maki wrote in his Instagram story. “I have the utmost respect for those who serve and serve our country. (Captain America) has global characteristics that people around the world can associate with.”

Over the past 24 hours, Maki criticized the comments that were held during an interview on the stage in Rome. While promoting his new movie “Captain America: Brave New World,” Mackie said that Cap represents many different things “, but the” term “America is not one of them.

“For me, Captain America represents a lot of different things and I do not think that the term” America “must be one of those representations,” Maki said, “It is about a man who keeps his word, and gets honor, dignity and integrity. A person is trustworthy and reliable.”

“World New World”, which strikes theaters on February 14, is the first Captain America since Mackie Chris Evans as the superheroes. In 2019, “Avengers: Endgame”, Steve Rogers, The First Avenger, rapidly advances from the crime control shape and moves the shield to Mackie’s Sam Wilson. Sam Wilson, officially known as The Falcon, appeared for the first time in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and continued to fight alongside Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barns in the Dinsey+ “The Falcon and The Winter Soldier”.

Among the members of the “New World” team, Harrison Ford, Rosa Salazar, Lev Tyler, Jiancarlo Esposito, Danny Ramirez and Sira Haas. Julius Awn is directed by the film with a text from Rob Edwards, Malcolm Spieman and Dalan Moses.

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