Carla Sophia Jaskoun says that a tweet calls Selena Gomez “a rich mouse” trendy blogger

Carla Sophia Jaskoun says that a tweet calls Selena Gomez “a rich mouse”

 trendy blogger

Carla Sofia Gasconone claims the viral tweet that she seemed to have described as “Emilia Perez” participating in Selena Gomez, a rich mouse “completely fabricated.

“Of course this is not mine,” Jaskoun said during an interview on Saturday night with CNN Espanyol. “I didn’t say anything about my partner. I will not refer to it in this way.”

He canI learned that the CNN interview was carried out by Gascón and not through Netflix, “Emilia Pérez”.

Gascón was shot last week after a series of controversial tweets on topics such as George Floyd, and the diversity was discovered at the Academy and Muslims Awards. Among the jobs in which Gascón apparently said about Gomez: “It is a rich mouse that plays the poor founder whenever she can and will never stop annoying her ex -boyfriend (Gustin Bieber) and his wife.” The quote drew attention from the media like people, but an Academy Award candidate now says that a specific tweet was not real.

On the previous day, Gascón moved to Instagram to exchange a lengthy response regarding social media controversy, and to submit similar claims on how to manipulate her words or remove her from context.

She wrote on Saturday morning: “They have already won, they have achieved their goal, to stain my existence with the lies or things that were made from the context,” she wrote on Saturday morning. “Anyone knows me knows that I am not racist (you will be surprised when you discover that one of the most important people in my current life and that I love more than others) nor any of the things that I have been convicted and convicted without trial and without an option to explain the true intention; I have always fought for a society More just and a world of freedom, peace and love.

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