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The ministry said in a press statement issued here on Sunday aimed at adding clarity to the reports taking place in the media regarding the visit, that the mission axis will be to examine the intensity of weaknesses in corruption through six basic government jobs.
These include financial governance, central bank governance, operations, supervision of the financial sector, market regulation, law of law, and AML-CFT.
The task will be mainly participated with organizations such as the Finance Department, the Federal Revenue Council, the Pakistani State Bank, the public references of Pakistan, the Securities and Stock Exchange Committee in Pakistan, the Pakistan Elections Committee and the Ministry of Law and Justice.
The GCDA report will recommend measures to address corruption gaps, enhance integrity and governance, which will help the government achieve reforms to enhance transparency, enhance institutional capabilities and achieve comprehensive and sustainable economic growth.
The press statement added: “The government of Pakistan appreciates technical support for criticizing the International Monetary Fund in this regard.”
He said that the International Monetary Fund has long provided the advice and technical assistance that helped enhance good governance, such as enhancing the transparency of the public sector and accountability.
Traditionally, the main focus of the International Monetary Fund was to encourage countries to correct macroeconomic imbalances, reduce inflation, carry out major trade, exchange, and other market reforms needed to improve efficiency and support continuous economic growth.
While this remains its main focus in all its member states, the International Monetary Fund has found that a broader group of institutional reforms is needed if the two countries want to create and maintain private sector confidence and thus set the basis for continuous growth.
According to the statement, the International Monetary Fund determined that strengthening good governance in all its aspects, including guaranteeing the rule of law, improving the efficiency of the public sector and accounting, and dealing with corruption are essential elements of the framework of economies to flourish.
In 1997, the International Monetary Fund adopted a policy on how to address economic governance, and embodies the guidelines of the “International Monetary Fund’s role in governance issues”.
To increase the enhancement of the implementation of this policy, the International Monetary Fund has adopted a new framework for enhancing participation in the governance policy (governance policy), which aims to enhance more systematic, effective, shouting and equality with member states regarding governance points – including corruption – corruption – that It is decisive in macroeconomic performance.
Under this policy and framework, the International Monetary Fund offers an evaluation of the diagnosis of governance and corruption (GCDA) with member states to analyze and recommend procedures for addressing corruption gaps and enhancing integrity and governance in member countries of the International Monetary Fund.
After the analysis, GCDAS gives priority and the sequence of recommendations to systematically address weaknesses. Since 2018, 20 GCDA report has been completed and includes Sri Lanka, Mauritania, Cameroon, Zambia, and Banin. Ten continuous diagnoses, many of whom are under study by the International Monetary Fund.
Therefore, like the EFF 2024 program, there is a structural standard that with the support of capacity development in the International Monetary Fund, the Pakistan government will evaluate the GCD to analyze critical governance, pressure of corruption and determine priority structural reforms to move forward. The statement added this GCDA report, and the statement added.