Dave Potista James Gon asked Rousseau Bruce about a new superhero trendy blogger

Dave Potista James Gon asked Rousseau Bruce about a new superhero

 trendy blogger

Dave Bautista recently told ComicBook.com that he has already contacted James Gan (heading to the capital studios after directing Botista in three films “Galaxy Guard” in Marvel) and the Marvel Stwarts who asked for “Avengers: Infinity War” and ” Endgame “) to express his interest in playing a new comic book supernatural on the big screen. The Drax The Destroyer has previously played Drax

“Drax is completely closed to me,” said Potista. “James Gon did not call me and asked me if I was going to do something like a drex again, I will not be interested. If James calls me, this is clear that he will not happen. It’s okay, he went a different way (with DC).”

“But I want to be in this world,” continued. “I admire this world. I am a fan of video books and this whole universe. Marvel, DC, I just want to be in it. I knew that for James, I knew that the brothers Rousseau. Personally, I spoke to them, all of them, and told them,” do not count me . If there is a character, I will be right and want me, man, I will be completely open to it. She is just a Drax character who was running her path. ”

BAUTISTA ended his career in “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Given that he has no interest in playing character without Gunn behind the camera, it seems that Drax will sit outside the movie” Avengers “coming for Russo Prothes,” DOOOMSDAY “for 2026 and “Secret Wars” for 2027. Representative Gizmodo told the actor last year that he was interested in the role of the villain in the comic book.

He said at the time: “I would just want the opportunity to play a greater role, a different role,” he said at the time. Perhaps a deeper role. I would like to have the opportunity to play, such as, a sinister villain in the world of superheroes. … I didn’t finish it. But my trip with Drax has ended. “

Potista published the headlines in 2023 when he told GQ magazine that it was “relief” that his time in Drax playing in the Marvel world had ended, adding: “Everything was not fun. It was difficult to play this role. The makeup process was hitting me. I know if I want a heritage Drax – it’s a ridiculous performance, and I want to do more dramatic things.

In 2021, BAUTISTA COLLIERER told MARVEL “dropped the ball” in terms of doing Drax Justice on the big screen because the character “has such a wonderful background story that has not been fully explored.

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