Emma Maki on Berlin “Hot Milk”, Vicky Krieps as a love interest trendy blogger

Emma Maki on Berlin “Hot Milk”, Vicky Krieps as a love interest

 trendy blogger

When I met Emma Maki Vicky Krebis, she could only shatter.

The two actors play in favor of Love Mestaits Sofia and Ingrid at “Hot Milk”, the first appearance of Rebecca Lincievich, which is first shown at the Berlin Film Festival on Friday, and the first scene that they also photographed the first time they really interacted.

“I could not meet her before we started shooting, and I remember that the first scene we fired at the beach. This is the first time that Sophia Ingred saw, and I looked at me and was ashamed.” diverse. “This only tells you – you like,” Wow, how did you do that? ”

Based on Dibora Levy’s 2016 novel of the same name, “Hot Milk” and a mother-played mother and Fiona Shaw followed, respectively-who “wrestle with joint dependence and desire by Seashide Seaside”, according to the summary. “Singing to Freedom, the daughter falls into an emotional relationship. But is this the liberation she needs, or a more destructive trap?”

It represents the Mackey Follow -up feature to Boxbuster at the 2023 “Barbie” box, in which it was part of the group of the term Barbie. Before that, the British-French star Mif played the rebel and smart for four seasons on “sexual education” that won great approval in Netflix in her first main role. But Maki found herself looking for something different for her next project – the place where “hot milk” came.

“I felt very elegant, led by females, which is an independent movie, so there were all these elements that fell in place,” she says. “I really felt clear to me that I should go to it.”

Below, Maki talks more about “hot milk”, what was like working with Linkificz and thinking about starting “sexual education”.

Tell me a little about how I started acting. Was there a moment I thought about, this is what I want to do?

In the last semester of the university, I remember the lack of my father, saying: “I will move to London. I don’t need to worry about, and I will discover that, I will become an actress and train and see how things will go. I need to try this thing, otherwise I will regret it.” And so I did. It was all about getting the largest possible practice, and this is what I sought to do. Then I became very lucky to meet the right people.

Most people know you about your role in “sexual education” in Netflix. How does this offer change your life?

I changed everything. I went to this entire process unaware of happiness, but I was really tense. I had nothing to compare, so it was a very innocent experience and such a good education, because on TV, you have to do a lot and the days are packed and you have to learn quickly, and you really took it. It was a great and unexpected launch platform in very different projects after that. I didn’t know how things had succeeded, I was incredibly grateful and surprised that Kenneth Brang was interested in seeing my test (“Death on the Nile” for 2022) or that he was chosen for a French movie (2021 “. Eiffel”). I was very lucky because I got a variety of different things after that that had nothing to do with Maeve, which was really interesting and hope, did you know? Because people are always tense to be one thing or look at it as one thing. “Sexation” was four years or five years, so it was really important to find other projects completely different and photographing different people.

Then there was clearly “Barbie”. How did that help you grow as a performance?

It was really a kind of perfect. I remember from the beginning very eager and ask my agent, “Do I need to write a letter to it, as I should do? I will play a tree, I will do anything!” It was really good to be part of this team and watch the likes of Greta (GERWIG) and Margot ( Robbie), Ryan (Gosling), Will (Ferrell) and all of these amazing people who have such different various professions really enjoy their work and do so well. There was a really simple and pure thing about the entire process, although it was great and was “Barbie”, but she never felt magic or frightening. I felt that everyone was there for the right reasons, and that was a truly important energy that was carried out through the entire photography process.

Now you are displaying “hot milk” in Berlin. How did you participate in the project?

I have already come very late in their operation. Another person was originally associated with the text in June or in May and they were ready to shoot this summer. I read the scenario immediately and met Rebecca Linkvich the next day. We had a tea and it was incredibly warm and truly welcoming and gave me the part at that moment. It was very unexpected. I was looking for something like that – I really wanted to do this type of movie. I felt very elegant, and the females are very led, which is an independent movie, so there were all these elements that fell in place. I really felt clear to me that I should go to it.

Nicos Nicolaboulos

What attracted you to the role of Sofia?

Sophia observer. She is studying anthropology – she is a person who studies human behavior but does not know it well. There was something about this that really attracted me, and it is something completely sleep. I love calm observers, I always have and love it in dealing with its own rocks and emotion and trying to find its place in the world. There are deep disturbances in this film, and there is a real search for a soul, specifically on the part of Sofia – all these questions about her identity that were not completely answered and have never been dealt with because she consumes her by taking care of her mother. This is the full principle of the film, is this the role of the career around the clock throughout the week and being in the twenties and trying to provide space for yourself in the world. It is important to say the least said.

How was the work with Rebecca Linkvich on her first output?

She is a very sensitive, thoughtful, warm and generous person. It was very liquid. There was nothing controversial around him – everything flowing in place. We didn’t have much time, with these types of your films 23 days and are very fast. But she has trusted us a lot, I must say, I, Viki and VININ. It has relied a lot on its guidelines, but also on the Fiona signs. Many of what Sofia experienced through other people and through her mother, so I had to trust what others were doing and took my signals from other actresses as well. Rebecca was very eager to do so and left.

Vick Krebis plays your interest in your love. How was the work alongside her?

Vicky is amazing, as most of us knows. I got such a wonderful presence and this type of freedom. She is in her own world and is largely based at the same time. I could not meet her before we started filming, and I remember that the first scene that we called is at the beach at the beginning of the movie. This is the first time that Sophia Ingred saw, and I looked at me and shy. This just tells you – you like, “Wow, how did you do that? This is unreasonable.” It is truly strength, and we have to work together again last year in a short movie that I just made and has just made it, so we remained firm friends.

What about Fiona Shaw as your mother?

There was a huge physical element in what you do, clearly, because it plays a person with this mysterious disease. But she cannot move, so Sofia must take care of her all the time, carry and around her. We were very keen to make sure that every scene was in it, and I felt charged as reading on the page. It was great, and she is a great leader, because as I said earlier, a lot of the sermon I should eat from.

Nicos Nicolaboulos

What do you hope that the audience will take from the movie?

It is not an easy movie, necessarily. There is a completely painful thing, if we do well. And I think something about the dynamic relationship between the mother and the daughter with which many people will communicate at a level. Just a feeling of connecting someone through the body and blood, literally, but also the love that you can have for a person who can also torture you and make you unhappy and imprison you in some respects. This payment and withdrawal between love and hatred I think it is really interesting, and this is what we are trying to explore in this movie.

What after you?

I have done James L. Brooks last year, which was very exciting and changed life, then start the JJ ABRAMS project. So they are very exciting and cheerful, and I do completely different things in both films, so I am very excited.

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