Karachi’s consumers denied alleviating the full power tariff – Trendy Blogger

Karachi’s consumers denied alleviating the full power tariff

 – Trendy Blogger

KarachiThe head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Karachi (KCCI), Blawi, condemned the power of the National Authority for the Regulatory of Electrical Electricity (Nepra) to deprive it of the Consumer of Karachi of the great relief that they promised by adjusting a monthly tariff. Bellwani expressed his disappointment with Nepra and K-Electric (KE) for their failure to provide the benefits that consumers truly expect.

The recent fuel prices in Nepra for the month of November led to a modest reduction of only 1.23 rupees per unit, a decision that was described as a much lower bibliian than expectations. Karachi’s consumers hoped to get more relief, especially since Ke had requested a reduction of 4.98 rupees per unit for the month of November.

“Although any reduction is a positive step, 1.23 rupees per unit of reduction is much lower than the expected relief, leaving behind an unspeakable benefit of 5.44 billion rupees,” said Bilwani.

He added that although the tariff that is calculated at a decrease of 5.0029 rupees per unit, a small part of this interest was transferred to the appropriation consumers. He criticized Nepra for his failure to protect consumer rights and ensure that the full benefit is transferred to people.

“The Karachi consumers, who are already struggling with the high costs of living and business, are now being victims of this injustice. Baliani stated that Nebra, who is supposed to protect consumer rights, did not rise to her responsibilities, while Ke continues to benefit from these unjustified delays.” .

He also expressed his concerns about the lack of transparency in the organizational process, stressing that the failure of Nepra to impose a fully limited tariff was very disturbing. “K-Electric’s failure to provide full interest of 5.44 billion rupees, which could have reduced the financial burden on people, rose to economic betrayal,” he said.

Bellwani urged Nepra and Ke to act quickly to ensure that the full benefit from tariff adjustments to consumers be transferred without further delay. He also called for an increase in accountability for the protection of consumer rights, especially in the face of difficult economic conditions.

“We ask Nepra and K-Electric to correct this censorship and ensure that future amendments are transparent, fair and directly benefiting.” The business community and the Carachi citizens deserve the best, and we will continue to fight for their rights. “

Meanwhile, Pellawi highlighted the opinion opposing the NIATHAR NIAZ RANA member, with the support of Rafiq (Technical) member, who opposed the limited relief granted to consumers Ke. Rana has argued that the full interest, which reaches 5.0029 rupees per unit of reduction and direct interest in excess of 7.215 billion rupees, should have been passed.

“KCCI fully supports Rana’s opposition view, as it reflects the concerns of the business community in Karachi and consumers, who are not fairly heavy,” Bilwani said. He also indicated that 8.7 billion rupees are still being seen by Nepra, with a final suspended decision. He criticized the delay in making a decision, describing it as “unusual”.

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