Qatar’s signs deal with Scale AI to use artificial intelligence to increase government services – Trendy Blogger

Qatar’s signs deal with Scale AI to use artificial intelligence to increase government services

 – Trendy Blogger

A senior executive official told AI on Reuters on Sunday that the Qatar government had signed a five -year deal with Ai Data Company to spread tools that work with artificial intelligence materials and train them in a batch to improve government services in the Arab Gulf state.

“(This deal) can be a plan for other governments around the world, and allows us to really adhere to in a way that I think it may affect faster,” said Tribor Thompson, head of global growth in San Francisco, California.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in Qatar said that the deal will allow the Qatar government to adopt tools such as predictive analyzes and automation and analysis of advanced data in an attempt to simplify operations.

The statement added that the scale of artificial intelligence will develop more than 50 possible use of artificial intelligence (AI) of the Qatar government over the next five years.

Thompson refused to say how much the deal deserves.

Qatar, the producer of the wealthy gas and the United States ally for a long time, is in a race to become the leader of Amnesty International amid an increasing competition from the neighboring Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Founded in 2016, Scale AIPROVIDes large quantities of data called accurately to be used in training tools such as Openai’s Chatgpt.

The company also helps its customers, which includes the giant Microsoft technology company, Wall Street Morgan Stanley and artificial intelligence companies such as Openai and Cohere, to create and refine data groups.

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