DG SBCA confirmed the demolition of illegal building in the city trendy blogger

DG SBCA confirmed the demolition of illegal building in the city

 trendy blogger

Imran Zakir

Karachi: The Director General of the Senior Building Control Authority (SBCA), Isaac Khoro, stated that illegal constructions will be demolished, and approval will be granted on construction projects within 45 days.
Of the 64 approvals on the height of the building, 32 has already approved, and the remaining will be approved soon. Blind and developers ’licenses will be issued today, and a regional director of SBCA Hyderabad will be appointed in consultation with ABAD.
He also emphasized that SBCA and ABAD are in line with the development of the province, especially Karachi.
He was addressing a meeting during his visit to Abad House. During this occasion, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Abad Mohamed Hassan Khahi, First Vice President Sayed Afzal Hamid, Vice -Chairman Tariq Aziz, Chairman of the Southern Region Ahmed Awis Thani, was attended by a large number of builders and developers.

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