Signatures, deals, a courtyard for talent agencies, managers trendy blogger

Signatures, deals, a courtyard for talent agencies, managers

 trendy blogger

Editor’s note: diverse She revived the “Tenpercenteries” column that lists internal works and client signatures of the best talent agencies in Hollywood and management companies. Tenpercenteries was the main component diverse From the mid -nineties to early 2010. We are pleased to restore them with the increasing focus on deals and dishes that involve the best talent representation in Showbiz Companies.

Sources told Tenpercenteries, because of the leadership news that the company was suspending the free lunch service, that young employees (and fracture) at the United Talent Agency were in weapons last week.

What started as a postpartum award to attract employees to the office miraculously continued until 2025. UTA was serving dishes from Leora, a restaurant that is located under the agency in Beverly Hills. Turkey’s sandwich will operate $ 15, and the Sesame ginger salad returns you to $ 22 (very modest prices for Los Angeles restaurants, return to work).

Alyssa Gao for diversity

The free Zhao was offered daily, with the exception of Fridays, and continued during a brutal period of cutting costs at the level of industry, which will continue to this day. Free lunch meals that were presented to the culture of Hollywood office have been presented by Silicon Valley, where companies such as Facebook install dining courts to keep programmers feeding and happy. Netflix is ​​still proud of an impressive menu of the kitchen (hot and ready -made meals) at its headquarters in Sunseet Boulevard.

If the largest UTA – CAA and WME rivals – offer free lunch, they are definitely not doing it now. UTA sources said that the heads of agencies are currently cooking supplements such as vouchers, to put them in the coming weeks. Some UTA’s aides asked loudly to their superiors if they are compensated for losing lunch, as it is estimated that meals will offer a financial burden that they had not carried for years.

We will be happy with the lunch price to hear how these conversations have gone.

The prominent talent agency and the signature of the administration:

Kamala Harris It signed with CAA to act in all fields, focusing on speaking and publishing ties. The agency was returned to her before she became a vice president in 2021.

Constance Wu
Mark Siegel

Jersche has fallen Constance Wu. She became famous for her 2018 “Crazy Rich Asians” and “Hustles” 2018 and ABC comedy 2015-2020 “Fresh Off the Boat”.

UTA signed the Grammy-Academy artist John Batist To act in all fields.

The former president Joe Biden It signed with CAA. Biden represents the agency from 2017 to 2020, following his term by Vice President under President Barack Obama.

UTA signed the digital media company Jubilee media And its founder Jason Y. for me To act in all fields. In addition to the famous “surrounded” coordination, YouTube channels are characterized by a series such as “Middle Groud”, “Odd One Out”, “For 1”, “30 for 1” and “Ranking”.

Quvenzhané Wales
Gety pictures

Quvenzhané Wales It signed with Gersh to act in all fields. She is the youngest person to be nominated for the best actress at the Academy Awards, for her role in the “Southern Wildlife Monsters” for the year 2012.

Almost Friday, the mediaThe digital content network and comedy production center born from the Instagram Meme Beers account, with Range Media Partners. Media Media is almost a TV pilot with Danny McBride’s Rough House.

Writer, director and executive producer Matt Hastings It fell with the Jeresh. Hastings continues to be redirected by lawyer Bob Getman and Gotham Group. The latest Hasting Drama series, “Fallen”, was shown last month on Sundance Now and AMC+.

Donelli died He is the great entertainment writer and media diverse.

Katsy Stefan He is a film correspondent for diverse.

Tenpercenteries also runs diverseWeekly magazine

From February 26th edition diverse

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