Pakistan is asserting the main international work organization agreements to promote workers’ rights – Trendy Blogger

Pakistan is asserting the main international work organization agreements to promote workers’ rights

 – Trendy Blogger

Pakistan has ratified three International Labor Organization agreements (ILO), which enhances its commitment to strengthening workers’ rights and improving employment protection.

This step aims to enhance evidence -based policies and support decent work standards.

The tools of certification on the 2014 protocol were handed over to the forced work agreement, 1930, the Maritime Work Agreement (MLC), 2006 (in its modified form), and the Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) by the Minister of Workers abroad in Gilbert, Director General of Human Resources. The ratification occurred during the annual session of the Board of Directors of the International Labor Organization.

The 2014 protocol strengthens the forced work agreement, which was repelled in 1957, enhancing global efforts to combat forced work, human trafficking and exploitative work practices.

By adopting the protocol, Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to eliminating forced work and harmonizing the principles of international human rights and the goal of sustainable development 8, which focuses on promoting decent work and economic growth.

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