During an appearance on a television show on Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris made offensive remarks against Republican opponent Donald Trump over his questionable ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Referencing journalist Bob Woodward’s upcoming book “War,” in which he mentions that early in the pandemic, Trump sent rare COVID test kits to Putin, Harris expressed rage at the former president.
During a discussion with Stephen Colbert, Harris said, “Do you remember what that era was like? Remember how many people didn’t take tests and were trying to scramble to get them? »
“And this man gives Covid test kits to Vladimir Putin? Think about what that means besides him sending love letters to (North Korean leader) Kim Jong-un. No, think about it. He thinks, well, he’s his friend. What about the American people? They should be your first friend.
The Democratic presidential candidate recalled the chaotic times of the pandemic, when Americans as well as the rest of the world were terrified by the global spread of COVID during the presidency of Donald Trump, when, according to Harris’ statement, Trump exchanged COVID kits in high demand to Russia. at the cost of failing in its duty to American citizens.
She also raised questions about Trump’s friendly attitude toward North Korean President Kim Jong-un, abandoning the interest of the American people that should have been his first priority.
She added: “I’ll tell you what some of the people at my rallies – quite a few people are there, in fact – you know, when you lost millions of jobs, you lost manufacturing. , you lost car factories. , you lost the elections. What does that make you? A loser. That’s what someone said at my rallies. I thought it was funny.
Harris called Trump a “loser” because of his failure to maintain jobs and production and, later, his eventual defeat in the 2020 election. She also leaned lightly on the presence of a comparatively large crowd. more restrained in Trump’s rallies than in his own.
On the other hand, a Republican spokesperson said in response to the claims made against Trump in Bob Woodward’s book that they were absolutely baseless and “made up stories.”
In addition, Harris also mentioned that the ceasefire agreement for the Hamas-Israel war is also underway and the United States will eventually find a way to reach a mutual agreement between the two sides.