Hyderabad: A group of 4-5 known rioters, who were actively opposing the construction project of Bibi Maham (SA) shrine in Agam Kot by the Sindh Waqf Department for several years, forcefully stopped the construction work of the shrine. The department office is in an open parking space in Agam Kot on Thursday. They staged a protest in the city of Gulab Leghari, raising slogans to incite religious tensions, on Friday, according to a press release.
It should be noted that this is the same group that has been working continuously for the past 6-7 years to provoke a major religious conflict in the region. These individuals have harassed, insulted, and created obstacles to pilgrims visiting Bibi’s shrine from all over the country. In the past, they tore pages from the Holy Quran and scattered them in the cemetery, threw the wooden pulpit of the mosque outside, called on members of a banned religious organization to go on strike in Gulab Leghari, staged sit-ins and marched from Gulab Leghari to the Agam Kot shrine with provocative slogans. They even threatened the pilgrims and forced them to leave without visiting the shrine.
These points were discussed during an emergency meeting held under the chairmanship of Muhammad Waris Abbasi of the Azadhan Hyderabad League Committee in Qasimabad. The meeting revealed that some time ago, when the Sindh Endowments Department started construction work on the shrine, these individuals created more than seven fake graves overnight on the road designated for transporting construction materials, which led to the work being halted. When the government approved a new project for Bibi Maham’s shrine and resumed work, the group again placed 24 fake graves on an alternate route overnight, stalling the project to this day.
Yesterday, when the Sindh Endowments Department began building an office on the vacant plot of land designated for a vehicle parking lot, this group resumed its work to incite a new religious and sectarian conflict. Today, they organized a massive march in the city, chanting inflammatory slogans.
The meeting urged the Sindh government and all security agencies to take immediate legal action against this known group of troublemakers who continue to create religious tensions and interfere in official work. Immediate steps are needed to prevent such actions and maintain peace.