In China, a rapid update in Chungzheng, where traditional gardens to manufacture the match with tall skyscrapers coach, the dating coach is on a mission to help a surplus of single men in the country find love. His story is “Dating Game”, which is a timely documentary film from the film director Emmy Violet de Feng, who was attracting flood crowds at the Sandans Film Festival for this year.
The film follows three Bachelor of Bachelor attending the Haw’s dating camp, as its methods aim to transform their romantic horizons. Hao, who started from the origins of the working class to become one of the most trained coaches of China, brings credibility through his success story-after he won the heart of his wife Wayne, the advanced Urbanite who is now running its work in the field of success.
Du Feng told diverse. “His interest in these men to help them find love, given his own story, is very real, and this authenticity is something I appreciate a lot, despite the approach of how these men who may not necessarily agree with them.”
The documentary reaches a decisive moment in the social scene in China, with more than 30 million women who are single men. Du Feng reveals that Hao’s customers consist primarily of the working class men of rural areas who face special challenges in the marriage market due to economic restrictions. With more than 3000 customers and demands of 400-500 successful marriages, it seems that HaO’s methods result in results-although he admits that some successful customers are separated from their social media to hide their use of their services from their partners.
The film, produced by Oscar -winning Joanna Natasigra (“White Helmets”), appeared from the previous work of “Hidden messages”, which explored women’s resistance to patriarchal society through a secret written language. “While I was on a tour about the movie, and I knew the amount of the gender gap that has become in China a truly great issue, I was hearing from the audience (whether there were any good men in the movie.” I knew that I had to do Justice to create a movie about men in China … It is important to start in a place that can challenge my biases and can challenge my stereotypes. ”
“The generation of their parents is the backbone of our country’s economic mutation … but because of the restrictions of residency, their children left behind, and they have no good education.” She adds that “this generation of young people is punished again and again at the expense of the development of the country … They grew up without the appropriate paternity and motherhood. They grew up without reaching girls.”
While he focused closely on the unique social dynamics of China, the documentary is the echo globally by examining modern romance. “They live in this digital world all of us, and the fact that we all have to hide ourselves,” Du Feng pointed out. “We all have to put a different kind of makeup on our face in order to put dating applications and then say something, change something that is not necessarily from we are to attract.”
The film enjoyed an enthusiastic ceremony in Sundance, with large rush offers and lines. “The audience’s reaction was so incredible that people were laughing throughout the movie,” Du Feng shared. “I hope it is a laughing laugh on them, but laughing with them, and at the same time, we can all learn something different from what we thought before.”
However, its release in China is still not certain in the difficult market environment. “It has become more difficult and more difficult because (than) where things exist, and (has become) has become more challenging to pass censorship in China,” Du Ving admitted. “The market is also shrinking because of this, so it has become more difficult and difficult.”
In the future, du Feng is developing its next project – a series that explores the world’s dating trainers. “India is definitely one country that we look at, then there are other countries in Asia that we also look … further, in the United States and also in Europe,” she noted that the issues of unity and communication in the digital age are echoed to beyond limits China.