Islamabad: Federal Energy Minister Owais Ahmed Legari said that the government is strengthening the environmentally friendly electricity generation from alternative sources instead of expensive imported oil.
In the revival of the Senate Standing Committee on Climate Change, the Federal Minister said that before today, power generation factories were established under various policies, but we have now presented a new system in which power plants will be established through a competitive process.
He said that so far, the Ministry of Energy has closed five factories working on expensive imported oven oil. He said that these factories that were used to generate 2500 megawatts of electricity, adding that these factories were not only pollution of the environment, but were putting a great burden on the national treasury.
Awais Legari said that the closure of these factories saved billions of rupees to the National Treasury. He said that converting the electric tube to solar energy in Balochistan could save from 80 to 100 billion rupees annually. He said that our farmers should water their crops through drip irrigation, which can provide more than 80 percent of the water.
He also said, I myself watered my ground through drip irrigation and I saved 82.2 percent of the water. We will have to save the groundwater, otherwise it will decrease after some time.
The federal minister said that to enhance electric cars and motorcycles in the country, the price of electricity in the shipping stations was reduced from Ru ruler. 71 for each unit to rupees. 39.70. He said that if banks and international institutions are ready to provide loans, they will achieve positive results.