The Gathering ‘Winious and TV Connectte is under implementation trendy blogger

The Gathering ‘Winious and TV Connectte is under implementation

 trendy blogger

“Magic: The Gathering”, the game of trading card on the lower floors has been set all over the world since 1993, to adapt the main films and television from Legendary Entertainment and Hasbro Entertainment.

The playmaker and Hollywood mini-major will create behind the “Godzilla” and “Dune” privileges “a fictional and direct movie” based on the imagination series, with an opening feature movie first on the deck. HASBRO estimates that the strategy championship is part of an intellectual property of one billion dollars, thanks to more than 50 million players participating in its wonderful worlds.

Mary, the head of production around the world, said: “We are proud to be a deliberate care from the single and beloved IP, and there is no property that best suits this description than” Magic The Gathering “.” Besides the wonderful HASBRO team, we look forward to creating the world of multimedia media That provokes fans for a long time and creates a wide wave of new fans. ”

Zev Foreman, Hasbro Head of Film, added that the planned content list was “an exciting and supplementary partnership, unifying one of the world’s most famous brands with a strong and installed host.”

The legendary has a busy record in this space. Including its work with the so -called “MonsterVerse” from Godzilla and King Kong, the company also launched content about Pokémon (“Pikachu”), Minecraft and “Enola Holmes”. The upcoming projects include an expected experience on the world of classic video games “Street Fighter” and a vital hybrid movie “Animal Friends” starring Ryan Reynolds, Jason Momoa, Opery Plaza and Dan Levy.

In HASBRO, the Sony Tristar Pictures and Sony Pictures TV features include the iconic game “Clue”; Mronopoly movie from Margot Robbie’s Luckychap and the Magic: The Gathering in business in Netflix.

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