Cenatha Evo and Ariana Grande on the “bad guys” experience trendy blogger

Cenatha Evo and Ariana Grande on the “bad guys” experience

 trendy blogger

With a classic in 1939 “The Wizard of Oz” forever in the history of pop culture, Nathan Kraouli, an Oscar -nominated production designer seven times, knew that it was the place of starting to develop “Wicked”.

in diverse Crowley told Fyc presented by Universal, Diverse A great award editor, about his close cooperation with director John M. Zhu, who recently won the Critics Selection Award for Best Director.

He really wanted to pay the design as much as he could in this magic place with the construction of groups. I love the practical building when you are with all the crew. Sometimes it is in clay … I find it very good. ”

Mark Platt, the Oscar -nominated producer who received his third nomination this year for “Wicked”, described after his work on “La La Land” and “The Tried of the Chicago 7”, this pledge to be more personal. When he read Gregory Maguire in the nineties, he immediately realized what a wonderful movie. However, in the wake of the first show of the exhibition in Broadway in 2003, it took more than two decades.

“I have waited a long time for several reasons – most of them because I did not want to install it,” Platt recalls. “I felt pressure on myself and adhered to the fans who protect and loved these characters. This meant a lot for them … The bar was very high for me.”

Platt is not the only “bad” member who realized the show capabilities of the big screen before knowing Chu’s vision. Ariana Grande, who won the first Academy Award for her role in Glinda, has recognized the show since the first show in Broadway in 2003.

“There is a big difference between being a fan of something and turmoil until it becomes,” Grande explained. “Love” “bad guys”, love of songs (then) having to feel and live in them and set your own feelings for them, it is a great journey. I really wanted to get to know Glinda under the comedy because I strongly believe that the comedy will only play if the truth was. “

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An element of the show that is confessed to “Wickked” immediately is the peak of “attractive challenge”, which represents a decisive moment in the friendship of the basic story. The best actress Sinthia Evo, who plays the role of Elba, describes the filming of the iconic scene as “the fun of hell”.

“It is one of those things that do not permeate if you do not have hard work,” Evo explained. “I want you to feel easy … I want you to feel the pain you feel because the pain is real for me. It comes from a very real place.”

Grande chanted this feeling, and touched the most deep emotional weight behind her performance. She said, “The first real friendship of Glinda occurs after the scene of the Oz Ghob Hall.” “This is the first time in her distinguished and delicate life that someone carried on a mirror and called her to reach this part of her really well.”

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The level of preparation for their roles requires months of training, loud and physical. Evo described the intense discipline behind it, emphasizing the work she and Grande put in mastery of their performance.

Evo said: “The training we had to do on our voices in order to make these voices took time, for both the sound and the body.” “It is not easy to sing in the air. But these women deserve everything. So we threw ourselves in it-whether it was an awakening call at two in the morning or a makeup call at 5 am or a two-hour exercise.”

After singing some beautiful notes from “Defing Gravity”, the two shared how Grande burned its virtues and needed a package of snow while ERIVO, which hates onions, was slightly when it was included in lunch. A lot of laughter and later later, still the most famous moment in the movie.

For the staff and crew, bringing the “bad guys” to the large screen was a work of love, leaving a lot of joy to roam.

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