Adani to restore full power to Bangladesh in days but the differences remain, for example sources – Trendy Blogger

Adani to restore full power to Bangladesh in days but the differences remain, for example sources

 – Trendy Blogger

New Delhi: Adani Power agreed to restore the fully display from the power plant in India 1600 megawatts to Bangladesh within a few days after a three -month gap, but she refused Dhaka’s request to obtain discounts and tax benefits, two sources said Reuters.

Gauut ADani billionaires paid the offer to Bangladesh on October 31 due to the delay of payment, as the country fought a shortage of foreign currencies. This led to the closure of one of the two equal units in the factory on the first of November, followed by Bangladesh’s request to continue to provide only half of the energy, noting that the demand for the winter has decreased and with the payment issue.

Before the summer request and the BPDB Energy Council (BPDB) requested, Adani Power agreed to resume full supplies by next week, the two sources who had direct knowledge of the issue, but they refused his name because they were not allowed to speak to the media. The factory in eastern India only sells to Bangladesh.

However, Adani Power did not agree to meet many other demands of BPDB, including giving discounts and privileges that are likely to deserve millions of dollars to Bangladesh. The two sides held a virtual meeting on Tuesday and are likely to continue more discussions.

“They do not want to give up anything, up to a million dollars,” one of the sources said, referring to Adani Power. “We haven’t received any concessions. We want mutual understanding, they are making the energy purchase agreement.”

The BPDB MD president did not want. Rezaul Karim on questions about the differences. He said Reuters Earlier this week, “now there is no big problem with Adani” and that the full power source will start, while trying to increase payments to more than $ 85 million per month.

ADani Power spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The company said in a statement after a Reuters On Tuesday’s story that “the power transmission with the power generator depends on the requirements of Procurars, which continues to change.”

In December, ADani source said that BPDB condemned the company about $ 900 million, while Karim said at the time that the amount was only about 650 million dollars. The pricing dispute revolves around how to calculate the energy tariff.

BPDB earlier wrote to Adani Power Superforms Target Tax Terments worth millions of dollars and resume the discount program that was run for a year until May.

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