The business community extends full support for JDC donations trendy blogger

The business community extends full support for JDC donations

 trendy blogger

Karachi: JDC, Pakistan, the largest active luxury organization in the country, held a donation collection ceremony. This event, which was hosted at the Founding Residence and Danish businessman Aman, was cultivated by provincial Minister Sayed Nasser Hussein Shah as a great guest. In his speech, Nasser Hussein Shah praised the social contributions of JDC and announced a personal donation from the same crooked organization for the organization. The attendees also contributed to this event generously. During a fundraising event, the Secretary-General of the JDC, the recipient Tamgha-E-TTIAZ, threw ABBAS, highlighted 15 years of services provided by the country’s social welfare organization and its people. The ceremony was attended by prominent personalities, including former President Katy Pharzour Rahman, Nelson, MD Sirajuddin, Air representative Ali Nawaz, former Mina Rashid Godel, Carameh Kashef Muhtab Chawla, Algor Banders Kashif, Assad’s Angle Bank. Other prominent personalities of the business community.

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