The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it is estimated that the Pakistan government’s commitment to evaluate the diagnosis of governance and corruption (GCD) and is looking forward to continuous cooperation.
The global lender in the names of the diagnostic evaluation fish (GCD) said at the request of the Pakistan government in A. statement.
The International Monetary Fund said the task focus is to evaluate the weaknesses and corruption in principle through six basic government jobs. This includes financial governance, central bank governance, operations, supervision of the financial sector, market regulation, law of law, money laundering and confrontation of terrorist financing (AML-CFT).
“Over the course of the mission, the International Monetary Fund team participated in the Finance Department, the Federal Revenue Council (FBR), the Pakistani State Bank (SBP), the general references of Pakistan, the stock and stock exchange paradise in Pakistan (SECP), the Ministry, and the Ministry, from law and justice, The Supreme Court in Pakistan (SCP), “added the statement.
In addition, the International Monetary Fund team met a group of other stakeholders, including business societies, civil society organizations and international development partners.
She also indicated that the International Monetary Fund for evaluation of GCD will return to Pakistan later this year to continue collecting information and exploring opportunities to enhance governance and integrity, and economic results in preparation for the final evaluation.
Pakistan is scheduled to host two other tasks at the level of the International Monetary Fund-one to discuss more than a billion dollars in additional climate flexibility and another to review the continuous extended fund facility of $ 7 billion (EFF).
In October last year, Pakistan officially requested about one billion dollars with flexibility and sustainability confidence to address climate weaknesses.
Maher Benishi, a representative of the International Monetary Fund in Islamabad, confirmed that the International Monetary Fund team will visit early to mid -March for discussions on the first review of the EFF and RSF request, while there is a technical team from 24 to 28 February to February 24. Treating issues related to RSF order.