KarachiThe Competition Committee in Pakistan (CCP) conducted an entry and research process in the Karachi Tanquet Association as its headquarters as part of the continuous investigation of the practices of determining the alleged prices related to the transportation of eating oil.
This procedure came after the achievement of the Suo Motu, which CCP started regarding many generalizations issued by the association, which was claimed that fixed transportation fees for eating oil shipments from seaports in Karachi to different cities across Pakistan.
The price determination by the association is a direct violation of the competition law, 2010, as it disrupts the decisions of independent pricing between competitors, distort the market dynamics, and harm consumers.
During the operation, CCP employees have seized relevant documents and stored data for the computer to assess the association’s participation in determining transportation rates. The investigation is now about to end, as CCP works to conclude it as soon as possible.
When reaffirming its commitment to support fair competition, CCP urges companies and commercial associations to adhere to competition laws and avoid practices that hinder the efficiency of the market and the welfare of the consumer.