Kevin Bacon asks DJ not to play the song “FootLOOSE” at weddings trendy blogger

Kevin Bacon asks DJ not to play the song “FootLOOSE” at weddings

 trendy blogger

Kevin Bacon has dozens of unforgettable roles, but his film “” “who often asked about him – or asked for that Dance to.

Before the new initial video series, “The Bondsman”, Bacon sat down to a profession retrosomed at SXSW on March 7. During the conversation, he opened about how his life changed after Ren’s role decreased in the successful movie.

“This is what I wanted, I have no one who blames myself. He said:” My dream was definitely to get all these things. ”

When he was asked to do the pictures of the pictures without a shirt and put it in the teenage magazines, Bacon felt, “It was the opposite of how to see myself.”

Now, he can navigate lifestyle as an adult representative – but he still does not want to dance to “FootloOOSE” for Kenny Lognes at weddings. Because at that time, it becomes today.

He said during the conversation: “The worst nightmare for me is to be at a wedding and put DJ on music.” “They always start to be in the bride, then there is alcohol. By 10:30 around 10:30, the song comes, and suddenly the wedding becomes about me to go out and dance. People will literally form a circle around me and clap their hands just as I am a coach.”

© Paramount/Courtesy Evertt Collection

Now, he says, he goes to DJ and asks, “Please do not play that song” at weddings – and he recently done in an event.

“Not because I don’t like the song, I love this song. This is not because I am not proud of the movie, I am 100 % proud of it.”

He stated that he fell the role and not realizing that he was a dance movie – to the point that when he heard that there was a dance designer, he said he really did not need. He said: “The scenario was not written in this way at all, and there was no other indicator other than one line, like it, disturbing it and dancing or something like that.” “I was not a trained dancer.”

He only knew a little, he will continue to include a dance routine that he always asked to repeat. He added that he watched the movie “Three or Four times only.” And his adult children are unprecedented: “What is it with that?”

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