Julia Stelys appeared on Podcast Brett Goldstein “to bury” with “podcast and remembered the feeling” slow “when she was forced to perform a dance scene in 2000” down “after Harvey Winstein dominated production. Stelis said Winstein destroyed the movie.
“Download to you” has paired Stiles with Freddie Prinze Jr. In the story of two university students falling each other and having a love story. The film was made during a teenage ROM-Com boom, when both actors became icons for the previous year thanks to the songs “She all that” and “10 things I hate about you”. Stells called “a beautiful and wonderful actor” and said that the scenario “below for you was” very good. Then Harvey Winstein got his hands and decided to benefit from this trend … and became stupid. ”
“When we reformulated, I was told (Harvey) decided that because of the success of” The Last Dance “and” 10 things I hate in you “, however, I danced on the billiard table, where he needed to dance in the movie,” Stelz continued. “It was just stupid.” Let’s put it on a billiard table and get it (dance). ”It was not even a fantasy. I felt very vibrant in doing this all the time. I don’t know if it had reached the movie but it was annoying. Because I was like,“ well, this is very cheap, and I do not add to the story. ”
“Floor to You” was written by Kris ISACSSON. It was distinguished by a supportive view that included Silma Blair, Ashton Kutcher, Rosario Dawson, Lucy Arnaz, Henry Winkeler. Despite the heavy association of Stiles and Prinze Jr. For TEEN ROM-Com, the film got only $ 24 million at the box office and was mostly by cinema critics.
Winstein is currently waiting for a trial on charges of rape in Manhattan after the state’s appeal court canceled his initial conviction last year. He was also sentenced to 16 years in prison in the case of rape in Los Angeles. He suffers from a group of diseases, including bone marrow cancer, coronary artery disease and diabetes.