Sony says Jonah Hill was “very evil” in “Superbad” trendy blogger

Sony says Jonah Hill was “very evil” in “Superbad”

 trendy blogger

Seth Rogen took a studio note personally on “Superbad”, when Sony objected to Jonah Hill using PlayStation 2 in a scene because he was “reprehensible”.

“They were like,” we could not interact with our products as a character, because she is a very happy personality. The star said by laughing, talking with Rottentomatoes on the red carpet in the SXSW program for the new Apple TV+ series, “Studio”, and he talks with Rottentomatoes on the red carpet to display the SXSW series of the new Apple TV+ “studio”, and he talks with rottenatoes on the carpet on the carpet Red to display SXSW for the new Apple TV+ series “Studio”.

“Sony made the movie and we were told that Junah Hill, Seth, was very consumed for the studio,” said Rogen. “There is a scene in which they play video games and it was so,” PlayStation “cannot touch. ”

Roger participated that production “absorbs” the studio in the end. Hill does not watch interacting with Sony products in the movie, although Michael Sera, Evan plays the role of “The Getaway: Black Monday” on PlayStation 2 in an early scene.

Roger participated in writing “Superbad” with his partner, who has been producing, writing and directing Ivan Goldberg. The text program grew up during adolescence and relies loosely on their experiences as high school students in the 1990s. Hill made a comedy in 2007, playing Rogen analog in his first pioneering role.

On the fifteenth anniversary retroactively from “Superbad”, the producer Jude Apato participated that “he always wanted to do a complement to” Superbad “, but” Jonah (Hill) said, “Oh, it would be funny to do so when we are in 70 or 80 years, but I really wanted to do” Superbad “in the college where Jonah flows from College and its visits only.

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