Consumers bear a heavy tax burden on petroleum products – Trendy Blogger

Consumers bear a heavy tax burden on petroleum products

 – Trendy Blogger

IslamabadConsumers in Pakistan carry a large tax burden on petroleum products, with taxes, duties and margins, adding large costs to the final retail prices, according to the official documents obtained by Geo News.

Documents show that taxes, duties and margins on high -speed gasoline and diesel (HSD) reaches 107.12 rupees per liter of gasoline and 104.59 rupees per liter of HSD. These numbers come on the previous equestrian prices, which are located at 148.51 rupees per liter of gasoline and 154.06 rupees per liter of HSD.

Both gasoline and HSD are subject to the imposition of oil from 70 rupees per liter. In addition, 15.28 rupees per liter are applied to gasoline, while HSD faces a slightly higher customs duty of 15.78 rupees per liter. Merchants also get 8.64 rupees per liter as a commission, and win oil companies (OMCS) 7.87 rupees per liter in the margin. The IFem charging equation margin is at 5.33 rupees per liter of gasoline and 2.30 rupees per liter of HSD.

Despite these important fees, the government decided not to impose any sales tax on gasoline or diesel at the present time. As a result, the current gasoline retail price for gasoline is 255.63 rupees per liter, while HSD is priced at 258.64 rupees per liter.

On March 15, Prime Minister Shaybaz Sharif announced that the government will retain the prices of petroleum products in the next two weeks. The government also decided to redirect any potential savings from low international gasoline prices to a significant decrease in the energy tariff for consumers.

The Finance Department issued a notice confirming that the prices of all petroleum products will remain unchanged on their current levels.

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