Tones and the first place joins two leaders to treat the global anime boom trendy blogger

Tones and the first place joins two leaders to treat the global anime boom

 trendy blogger

The TONEZ Media Group collection, based in India and Japan’s first place, has revealed a strategic partnership aimed at meeting the growing global demand for high -quality anime content, on the sidelines of Hong Kong Veglart.

The coalition comes in a decisive time for the animation industry, which faces an unprecedented request through broadcasting, playing and entertainment platforms while fighting talent deficiency simultaneously in Japan.

“There is already a great shortage of talent in Japan for anime production,” said Ms. Comico, founder and head of the first place. “This strategic partnership with TONEZ will help us bridge this gap by expanding our productive ability and ensuring that we can create more TV series and quality films.”

The strong productive infrastructure cooperation enhances TONEZ and 25 years of animation experience as well as the experience of the first place in the novel novel, music production, and a three -dimensional CG creation.

Both companies believe that the union is an opportunity to attract projects from the major international entertainment companies while preserving the anime of artistic integrity known. “At Tunes, we are constantly striving for the new creative limits,” said P. Jayakumar, CEO of TONEZ Media Group. “This cooperation with the first place will not only help anime projects on a global level, but also helps us to expand our fingerprint in this prosperous industry.”

For Toonz, whose credit for cooperation with Marvel includes “Wolverine and X-Men” and with Lionsgate on “Speed ​​Racer: The Next Generation”, the partnership enhances the presence of India emerging in the anime sector.

Meanwhile, the first place brings 20 years of experience in the development of the original IPS and has participated in creating songs and music for the famous anime series including “Clannad after Story” and “Angel Beats!” The Tokyo -based company has the headquarters of the apparent artists and produces comedies, novels and other media privileges.

The partnership aims to create a sustainable ecosystem for anime production that provides content for masses all over the world while facing the challenges of industry capacity.

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