Jim Carrey will star in the second part of the Grinch movie via Motion Capture technology trendy blogger

Jim Carrey will star in the second part of the Grinch movie via Motion Capture technology

 trendy blogger

ComicBook.com recently asked Jim Carrey if there was one character from his beloved film career that he would love to have the chance to play again. His answer? The Grinch, but only if he did it via motion capture. A comedian not interested in staying in the makeup chair for hours undergoes a “painful” transformation. … Read more

Severe droughts threaten sustainable capture of the Amazon’s giant fish, the giant pirarucu Trendy Blogger

Two years of records drought have dealt a major blow to what is arguably the Amazon’s most successful sustainable economy: the managed fishing of the giant pirarucu. In the Brazilian state of Amazonas, nearly 6,000 local residents authorized to fish reported a sharp drop in production and rising costs. They are calling for help from … Read more